
How it Works

Browser & Device Support

As WebAuthn continues to gain momentum as a standard for secure and user-friendly passwordless authentication, you can expect its support to expand even further across various devices, operating systems, and browsers.

Web Browsers

At the time of this writing Can I use reports that WebAuthn is supported on 94.98% of all global browsers including popular browsers like Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Apple’s Safari.

Internet ExplorerNo

Mobile Browsers

Based on Can I use, WebAuthn is supported on 95.75% of all global mobile browsers at the time of this writing, including popular browsers like Chrome for Android, Safari on iOS, and Samsung Internet.

Chrome for AndroidYes
Safari on iOSYes
Samsung InternetYes
Opera MiniNo
Opera 64 for AndroidYes
UC Browser for AndroidYes
Android BrowserYes
Firefox for AndroidPartial
QQ BrowserYes
Baidu BrowserYes
KaiOS BrowserNo

Device Support

WebAuthn is supported by a wide range of devices and platforms, including desktop computers, laptops, smartphones, and tablets. Check out passkeys.dev for more information on device support and compatibility of passkeys across different devices.