
How it Works


Registration is one of two ceremonies defined in the WebAuthn specification. The registration ceremony is used to register a new passkey with a Relying Party that can be used to authenticate the user in the future.

The process

The basic process for the WebAuthn registration ceremony is that the Relying Party supplies passkey creation options along with a one-time challenge that is passed to the WebAuthn API in the browser. The user selects among the available authenticators that meet the requirements of the creation options from the Relying Party, authorizes the action, and then the response is sent back to the Relying Party for validation and storage.

AuthenticatorClientServerCheck whether thisuser exists and hasexisting passkeys"I would like to register.My email is joe@example.com"1"Sure thing. Here are the options I require"2"Generate a new passkey"3Generate key4"Here you go. I'll hold onto theprivate key for you"5"Here's the public keyand some info about the authenticator"6Validate response,store public key7AuthenticatorClientServer

The options

The Relying Party provides PublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions during a registration ceremony. These options include information about the Relying Party, the user, and requirements for authenticator selection. The authenticator selection criteria allow the Relying Party to restrict eligible authenticators to meet security or workflow requirements. A few of the most important options are:

The WebAuthn specification has more information on options for credential creation.

The validation

The authenticator response is returned to the client via the WebAuthn API and then passed along to the Relying Party server for validation. The Relying Party should validate a number of fields on the response and compare them against its requirements and other options provided when the registration ceremony was started. A few of the more important fields to validate are:

If the response is successfully validated, the Relying Party should store the passkey information, including the credential identifier and public key, for future authentication ceremonies.

The attestation

Attestation is used to verify the authenticity of the authenticator and provide assurances about its features. This information can be used by the Relying Party to aid in making a trust decision for a particular authenticator. Attestation is provided by authenticators in a variety of types and formats. The general guidance is that Relying Parties should not require attestation during passkey registration unless it is necessary for security reasons. See the WebAuthn specification for more information on attestation.